Comparative Rental Market Analysis

Wonder what you could make off of a good rental property in your area? Or do you already own a property and want to make sure you’re getting the most value if you choose to rent it out? In order to get the best deal on your rental, you have to understand your property’s Fair Market Value – and then negotiate its market price. Hint: they’re not the same.

Our Comparative Rental Market Analysis service will not only put you in touch with the real numbers that represent the value of your property on the market, but our experience will help you determine what you can – and should – actually get for it. Not only are we familiar with the Houston area property prices, we have the numbers, research, and statistics to back it up. Our real world experience combined with current comparisons and critical thinking will provide you with the best possible analysis.

How it Works

A CMRA evaluates recently-rented homes in the same neighborhood that are comparable to the “target property.” Using information on what rates these similar homes were rented for, we can determine a fair range for renting your property. While this may seem simple, you can yield inaccurate results if you choose the wrong comparisons. Variables include type of unit, neighborhood, size, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, age, style, views, condition, lot size, and how recently the rental contract was signed.

From this, we determine fair market value: The highest price a renter is likely to pay – and the lowest price that a landlord is likely to accept. It’s always an estimate. Market price is the actual dollar amount that a property rents or sells for in the actual market. Contact us now to find out what your property’s rental price should be.