New Client Resources

Team Management

Landlords are not assigned a specific Account / Property Manager. We offer “Team Management” approach.  This is a more efficient system versus assigning an Account/ Property Manager.  Our team is made up of accountants, property managers, maintenance coordinators, leasing agents, applicant screeners, realtors, field agents and brokers.  Our landlords contact us by phone or group email and the right person will assist you in answering your concerns.


Monthly Statements

Monthly accounting statements can be viewed online via “Owner Portal”.  All landlords must set-up their portal access by using email address we have on file and creating a password. (Note: Choose a password you can remember, Management will not be able to retrieve your password.)  You will have access to your monthly statements 24 hours a day.  To set up your Owner Portal, contact our office by email.  You will be sent a link to set up your online account.

Bank Deposits

We wire rent into landlord’s bank account through ACH payment.  We can also send you a check.  Each month we send a owner’s statement via email.

Reserve Account

Landlords have the option to set up a reserve amount in their account.  The reserve account fund are used toward expenditures during any normal operational month.  Reserve funds are replenished monthly if used. Reserve funds are used for any property expense not limited to evictions, repairs, fees ,and etc.  Reserve account is optional.

Delinquency / Collections

All tenants who have not paid their rent by the 5th day of the month will be reviewed for eviction.  All evictions will be filed when the landlord lets 360 know they would like to proceed.  Management has a zero tolerance for non-payment.  All balances post move-out are subject to third party collection agency.  Management does not handle collections post move-out.

Leasing / Renting

Applicant Screening

All applicants are required to submit an application, photo identification, and a recent copy of 2 months check stubs or 2 month bank statements.  If self employed the applicant is required to send the last years tax returns.  All applications are processed for its integrity.  We are in strict compliance with fair housing and privacy laws.  Management will approve or decline applicants.


Our leasing team works diligently to lease your property.  We coordinate needed repairs, maintain lawn during vacancy and screen all applicants that apply.  We try our best to get you the highest rents and the best terms.

Lease Agreement

We use Texas Association of Realtors lease agreements, most comprehensive and fair lease agreement out there.  Once executed, we will send you a copy via email for your personal records.

Market Analysis – Fair Market Rent

Fair market rent is determined by comparing similar homes in the area that were leased recently (last 6 months) to determine the rent price of your property.  We will share this information with you.  Rental comparable are evaluated yearly to ensure we are getting maximum rents.



Prior to tenant moving in, we complete a move-in inspection.  In addition, tenant will complete a move-in inventory form notating any damages.  This document is maintained in tenant records until end of lease.

Vacancy Make-Ready Inspection

Landlord’s property will be inspected to assure that the property is in good condition and ready to rent.  The Texas Property Code requires certain safety features for rentals including but not limited to:  keyless deadbolt locks and smoke detectors in all bedrooms.  The inspection will show if the property needs cosmetic improvements or additional maintenance.  At property owner’s option, they may elect property to be inspected by licensed inspector.  There are additional costs associated with hiring a third-party licensed inspector.

Maintenance / Repairs

  1. To provide for any and all negotiating and contractual arrangement (in the name of the OWNER) by maintenance contractor(s) for any and all repair items deemed necessary by the OWNER and/or the MANAGER, and to pay maintenance contractor(s) for these services, repairs and improvement from the OWNER’S funds.
  2. OWNER grants express consent for MANAGER to authorize repairs to OWNER’S property(s).  No additional consent or authorization is required for routine repairs within Manager’s Authorized Limit.
  3. MANAGER AUTHORIZATION LIMIT.  The owner can put a limit to the amount they give 360 to complete a repair.
  4. EMERGENCY REPAIRS.  OWNER grants express consent to MANAGER to authorize emergency repairs regardless of MANAGER Authorized Limit providing a non-action jeopardizes the health or safety of tenant, occupant or guest.  MANAGER will use best efforts to notify OWNER.  If OWNER cannot be contacted, MANAGER will use best efforts to notify OWNER.  If OWNER cannot be contacted, MANAGER is not obligated to use his own funds for any repair regardless  if routine or emergency.  In the event, MANAGER at MANAGER’S discretion uses his funds for benefit of owner and owner’s property; OWNER must refund MANAGER upon request. MANAGER considers emergency repairs to be any and all item(s) that may affect the health and safety of any and all tenants, occupants or guest.  Examples of these items may include:  Non working HVAC, No hot water, sewage backup, loss of electricity, exposed wiring, leaky roof, missing safety devices, evidence of mold and any dangerous condition on the property.
  5. AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED  MANAGER will not make any of the following repairs or replacement without OWNERS authorization under any circumstances:  Replacement of HVAC system, replacement of roof, replacement of carpet, foundation repair and any additions (remodeling) to the property.
  6. PAYMENT FOR REPAIRS All repairs contracted by MANAGER for OWNER’s property(s) is the sole responsibility of the OWNER.  In addition to repair cost, OWNER is liable for supply / material cost, trip charges, estimates and investigated fees charges by vendor / contractor.
  7. SERVICE CONTRACT.  Providing property has a home warranty service contract OWNER must provide MANAGER with copy of service contract and detail list of all items warranted.  OWNER hereby responsible for paying all deductibles/service charges.  If any additional communication required from Warranty Company is the responsibility of the OWNER.  MANAGER will coordinate all warranted repairs.
  8. APPROVED CONTRACTORS/REPAIRMAN MANAGER will only contract approved vendors from MANAGER’S vendor network to make repairs to OWNER’S property(s).  The only exception is properties with “Service Contracts” in place.  MANAGER will not authorize repairs from outside vendors/repairmen, relatives of OWNER and/or tenants.  (See Opt Out Clause)
  9. OPT OUT MAINTENANCE OWNER may opt out of MANAGER coordinated repairs by signing OPT out Addendum (Addendum will be provided upon request of OWNER)
  10. PROPERTY STANDARDS OWNER agrees to keep property functional and safe at all times.  For the purpose of this agreement “functional” is defined as all mechanicals and appliances installed at property are operational free from mechanical defect.  For the purpose of this agreement :safe” is defined as protected from or not exposed to danger or risk.  OWNER grants authority to MANAGER to remedy all safety hazards at property.
  11. MANAGER RESERVATIONS MANAGER at MANAGER discretion reserve the right to modify maintenance policy at any time, providing MANAGER tender a 30 day written notice to OWNER, advising OWNER of changes. Notice may be delivered via email or sent via US mail.  All revision to maintenance policy will become binding.  OWNER continuous use of services after delivery of 30 day notice of change will constitute an acceptance of changes.
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